You are kindly invited to participate on Monday Januari 16, 2023 for a mixed virtual/online presentation about the Rotary IHE Scholarship and RIAS funds.
The RIAS fund was launched by RC Delft Koningsveld to support alumni that recently graduated at the IHE Delft Institute for Water Education. Purpose of projects and feasibility studies need to be water, peace and environment in the home country or region of the alumni. In 2022 (the first year of the RIAS fund) three projects have been selected for for funding.
We would like to present both the Rotary IHE Scholarship fund and the status of the three projects that were selected by the RIAS fund for support. You will also learn what is needed to make sure that these funds can sustain their efforts.
Below standing you will find all details how to connect.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 533 418 8359
Passcode: rcdk
Agenda for Monday Januari 16, 2023.
18.50 CET: Zoom session starts
19.00 uur:
Welcome by 2023-2024 president Han Heijmans to IHE students, alumni, Advisory Board, Rotary IHE Scholarship fund, members of Rotary clubs.
19.05 uur:
Short introduction by Rogier Staal (Advisory Board)
19.10 uur:
Synergy between IHE scholarships and RIAS fund by Henk Jaap Kloosterman (Rotary/IHE comitee).
The Rotary-scholarship program at IHE Delft was started in 2011 aimed at building “Future Water Leaders” to help resolving worldwide water crisis. The program has enabled over 150 professionals to study and acquire a Masters degree in “Water and Sustainable Development”.
There is a strong synergy between the Rotary IHE Scholarship programm and the recently founded RIAS fund. It was decided to invest a small portion (around 5%) of the Rotary IHE Scholarship funding in the RIAS fund. In order to allow alumni to follow-up on their education and to bring theory into practice .

19.30 uur: First project update:
“Create film to amplify the voices of women fishers campaigning for wetland protection in Chennai” by Ain Contractor, India
19.45 uur: Second Project update
“Test commercial feasibility of Lombrifiltro filter as alternative to sewerage” by Cesar Maldonaldo, Mexico
20.00 uur: Third project update
“Set-up PoC for digital to capture outcomes of WASH projects and define lessons learned & best practices” by Denis Sigei, Kenia
20.15: Wrap-up and close out